Friday, September 30, 2011

mafia doubles and hollywood doubles

i'm the x slavesinger for the mob and once you've been with mafia doubles and seen hollywood doubles you learn it may be best to remain alone for the rest of your life....with the first five million someone slipped me for all the 'original songs' i made that were all stolen off me ,and, massively plagiarzed by hollywood- my own mom was replaced and taken away from me by greedy connected family
you learn about the use of doubles in hollywood when your too rich to die and no ones paying attention so some may even die find out why the use of doubles is so common a practice to all the mafia .....and finally you find out you cant protect anyone who is close to you not even a relative parent and not even someone special that wants to be with you and you also quickly learn there are never any loose ends left hanging around wh/ means every double or person replaced you try to save is slain = no witnesses-no investigations- they originally utilized doubles just to lose investigators and make every fact or information total crap...if you dont understand what i am telling you now ,i guess its just one of those things where you just have to live it and be there hopefully not...
-youre in too deep,by the way the song p. collins plagiarized off me -where the words were taken verbatim- and i say- in too deep, and take me home cause i dont remember , whole songs i did about being stuck in snuff ,just another day in paradise

im the x slavesinger for the mob and once you've been with mafia doubles and seen hollywood doubles you learn it may be best to remain alone for the rest of your life....with the first five million i someone slifpped me for the songs i made that were all stolen off me and massively plagiarzed by hollywood my own mom was replaced and taken away from me by greedy connected family
to be contin